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In California, in order to qualify for a notary public commission, the notary-applicant must:

  • be at least 18 years of age.

  • be a legal resident of the State of California.

  • pass a written examination prescribed by the Secretary of State.

  • pass a background check *; and

  • satisfactory complete a six-hour course of study approved by the Secretary of State prior to appointment as a notary public.

To process your order to become a Notary Public in California, Prospective Notaries: Please click here

Click here.

To process your order and renew your Notary Public commission in California, Renewing Notaries: Please click here

Click here.

Effective on January 1, 2008, new and renewing notaries are required to pass a criminal  livescan background check. Also, a notary-applicant is required to submit with his or her application a 2"x2" passport photo. A notary-applicant who holds a California notary public commission and who has satisfactorily completed the six-hour course of study, at least one time after July 1, 2005, shall provide satisfactory proof when applying for reappointment as a notary public that he or she has satisfactorily completed a three-hour refresher course of study prior to reappointment as a notary public by the Secretary of State...

in addition,

if you have been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor and you are on probation and/or not more than one year has passed since the completion of your probation, your application may be denied by the Secretary of State's office. You are required to list any and all convictions on your application regardless if you have completed probation, including those dismissed under Penal Code sections 1203.4 or 1203.4(a). Any misstatement or omission on your application will result in denial or revocation of your commission.

Separate four-year commissions are issued for each term of office, and the same basic procedures are followed whether applying for a new commission or for a reappointment. A new notary public applicant is an individual who has never held a California Notary Public Commission or an individual who has held a prior commission, but whose commission has been expired more than six months.

Current Notaries:

If you are currently a commissioned California Notary Public and wish to become a member with the American Notary Group, click here.

Notary Commission Renewal:

If you are currently a commissioned California Notary Public and wish to renew your commission before expiration, click here.

Note: To become a notary public, or renew your commission by mail, select the notary education and notary supplies plan of your choice and send us a letter size, self addressed and stamped envelope with stamps in the amount of $1.25 Cents postage; with the following information: Your name, address, e-mail, and telephone number to: American Notary Group: P. O. Box 806 - Glendale, CA. 91209-0806. Or, call us to place your order over the telephone at: (323)349-0860. You may add the fees for both plans and send with payment to:

  • American Notary Group

  • P. O. Box 806

  • Glendale, CA. 91209

  • Tel.: (323)349-0860






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